Gavin DeGraw "Chariot"
DeGraw’s musical interests draw upon artists like Marvin Gaye and Sam Cooke, who he pays tribute by doing covers of their music at his live shows. But it was Billy Joel who truly inspired him to pursue his musical interests, and though he knew he would do music, he did not know how far it would take him. “I didn’t know what level of success I would have. I didn’t have any sort of expectations, because I don’t believe in expectations…I believe in disappointments,” he laughs. “So I always try not to have expectations, even though I’ve had illusions and disillusions in my mind of playing huge arenas and stadiums when I was daydreaming. But I‘ve never really had an expectation of any level of success, and I still don’t.”
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Download Now MP3 - Gavin Degraw - Chariot (live) / File Size: 5.46 MB /Gavin Degraw - Follow Through File Size: 5.52 MB / Gavin Degraw - Chariot File Size: 5.54 MB
This song in particular has been standing out more than others for some reason. I guess it has to do with the fact that the song is about a “You and I” and I’ve been contemplating where the I fits in that couple for the last month. Life can be so complicated sometimes…
Gavin DeGraw? Not so much. While there are some similarities in style, Gavin DeGraw's "Chariot" CD is totally popped over for the WB's primetime demographic. Such a pity, too.
Nice blog Lacobrigense, mas para quando um clip de um corridinho Algarvio?
AInda não tinha reparado..mas tens razão e, tenho notado que de há uns dias para cá há qualquer coisa de diferente bo Blog, não sei o quê...
Agradeço o teu cuidado e peço então a tua não for abuso.
Bjs e um bom sábado para ti
Oi Francisco,
Obrigada. Tinhas razão. Era o selo que ganhei semana passada de Destaque da gazeta dos Blogueiros...fiz como disseste... retirei um a um...e esse é que estava a dar erro...agora vou-lhes dizer...pode ser que possam resolver a situação...
Mais uma vez, MUITO OBRIGADA pela tua ajuda.
obrigado pela visita.
talvez não saibas, porque nem sempre comento, mas tenho o teu blog como uma prioridade diária, para ouvir boa música.São visitas agradáveis, só é pena
não poder fazer um copy/past de vez em quando das belas faixas que vou descobrindo por aqui.
Well done!
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